Friday, July 10, 2009

Dear blogger

To my friend who lives 24/7 on web
Who updates status for change in wind
Put up fundas that urge you to give a smile
Who pin up pictures beside famous people
Who are no more than big statues you have to look up to... want it or not
A few pin up the slum dogs
Quick to snap but forgets to feed... or was that the point anyway
Rare pin up the common man
Common anyway... a sight we forgot to enjoy after childhood
Quick on breaking news
To comment their view... todays news becomes tommorows history... no more good than to strech over a couple of pegs and a friend who better be patient...

Quick on yesterdays bloodshed
Who was right anyway!... both sides justify... god was never there to judge the trial... earth scribbled the learning on her diary, like child who burned fingers on a hot dish... but the untamed side of mankind is yet to discover what real kindness is... man was not god's pet to get tamed.

Never forget to comment the famous
To concur or not... either way famous is more famous...

Dear Friend,

Who are you speaking to? Can you be successful where the papers have failed all these years? Those who like honey sticks to it, most never know what honey is. Our tendency to listen what we like to hear undermines most of what we learn. How many can stoping judging and start listening? N Listen to what our heart says...

The durg named society taught me to 'shoo' the hungry. I have spoke to people whose gods where replaced for a so called modern society and equal rights. Bribed with cloth and food. Seen how culture could hit back in retaliation... a cancer waiting for the final assault until all the culture is buried with the dead. Lived in a society where love only within its sub are encouraged... maybe they think they are immortal or at least something is worth in the worthless.
Free yourself... stop writing... come to me.... help me to stand, walk, run...
I want to live...

your shadow

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